
Showing posts from June, 2018

Psalm 3 – Utter Confidence in the Yeshua of God

David one day found out that his son, Absalom, had swayed the hearts of the people of Israel away from him. 2 Samuel 15:12 says that “the conspiracy was strong, for the people increased continually with Absalom.” So David was forced to flee from his son. Absalom and the people thought what they were doing was right in the eyes of the LORD. They supposed that they were right in taking away the kingdom from David and giving it to Absalom. The people thought Absalom to be a righteous and just man, for he had sat by the gate to intercept anyone going to King David to obtain judgment. He would flatter the person with talk about how he would listen to them and give them justice if he were king in David’s place (2 Sam 15:1-6). So more and more people were being swayed away from David, the LORD’s anointed, who was a man after God’s own heart. In the wilderness, surveying the situation, David wrote: 1 O LORD, how my adversaries have increased!   Many are rising up against me. 2 ...

Genesis 4 – Two Ways

This article is part of a series of articles that resulted from my time preaching through the book of Genesis. The commentary on the passage is my own, resulting from hours of research and exegetical study. It is my intent to draw a biblical theology chapter by chapter through the book of Genesis that places the events of the narratives into the broad picture of the entire Bible, demonstrating the progressiveness of theology and the sufficiency of every Word of Scripture. It is my prayer that these articles are helpful to those seeking a better understanding of the book of Genesis and of the Bible as a whole. The sermon series and other resources can be found at Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, plunging the entire world and the human race into sin. It is hard to imagine the guilt and sorrow that Adam felt as he watched sin dominate his descendants for the 930 years of his life. How he must have anticipated the fulfillment of the promise of God! A...

Genesis 3 - Paradise Lost

This article is part of a series of articles that resulted from my time preaching through the book of Genesis. The commentary on the passage is my own, resulting from hours of research and exegetical study. It is a joy to review each chapter with the goal of highlighting the theology of the text and showing how each chapter fits within the overall framework of Scripture. It is my prayer that these articles are helpful to those seeking a better understanding of the book of Genesis and of the Bible as a whole.. The sermon series and other resources can be found at Before considering this crucial third chapter of Genesis, I encourage the reader to ponder long upon the first two chapters, for only then will the tragedy of the third chapter be appreciated. It is unknown how long the man and the woman experienced the bliss of the Garden of Eden, the garden that was planted by God Himself for the first couple to enjoy and tend to. The writer of Genesis, Moses by ...

Psalm 2 - The Inescapable Sovereignty of God

By Tim Miller Pastor First Baptist Church of Roxana These articles are the product of a labor of love. I write these in the fear of God and the love for the church. Since God has spoken and acted in history and has left us the inspired record of these events, it is our solemn duty and pleasure as His children to study to be diligent to present ourselves approved to God as workmen who do not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth (cf. 2 Tim 2:15). Find more resources at The Psalms are full of Messianic expectation. Psalm 2 sets the tone for the Messiah as the future ruler who will reign over Zion. There is also an expectation of mercy for those who repent and worship the Son of God. Those who find refuge in Him will be eternally happy in His presence, for not only is this victorious Messiah a King, but according to later revelation, He is also a propitiation, having died once for all in the place of those who call upon Him. However, the...

Genesis 2 - A Closer Look at the Creation of Man

This article is part of a series of articles that resulted from my time preaching through the book of Genesis. The commentary on the passage is my own, resulting from hours of research and exegetical study. It is a joy to review each chapter with the goal of highlighting the theology of the text and showing how each chapter fits within the overall framework of Scripture. It is my prayer that these articles are helpful to those seeking a better understanding of the book of Genesis and of the Bible as a whole. The sermon series and other resources can be found at The addition of chapter and verse numbers have been a great aid for students of the Bible, but sometimes the chapter breaks are in odd places. The first three verses of this chapter finish out the account of Creation Week: 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. 2 By the seventh day, God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day fr...

Proverbs 1:8-19 - The Importance of Parental Instruction

By Tim Miller Pastor First Baptist Church of Roxana Proverbs 1:8-19 begins one of several admonitions that Solomon wrote to his son. This first message follows directly on the footsteps of the introduction. In these messages to his son, he seeks to provide wisdom and instruction for his son (cf. 1:1a). He wants his son to be discerning and understanding (cf. 1:1b). He urges his son to receive instruction in wise behavior and righteousness and justice and equity (cf. 1:3). He wants his son to be prudent and not naïve (cf. 1:4a). He wants him to have discretion (cf. 1:4b). He wants to instill the fear of the LORD in his son, which he has just written is the beginning of knowledge; and he constantly urges his son not to foolishly despise the wisdom and instructions that his parents give him (1:7). Solomon writes... I. A Reminder 8 Hear, my son, your father’s instruction   And    do not forsake your mother’s teaching; 9 Indeed, they are a graceful...