
Showing posts from December, 2024

Systematic Theology: Lesson 18 - The Life and Community of Mankind

THE LIFE AND COMMUNITY OF MANKIND Anthropology - Lesson 18 In this lesson, we consider the life and community of mankind. When we view these topics through the lens of Scripture, we are brought to see God’s purpose for individuals and peoples and governments and nations. God created people in community. While we act individually, we are also part of a whole. Of course, that community has been infected by sin (even the church is not completely free of it), but we yearn for a day when our relationships will be free from the corruption of sin.

Systematic Theology: Lesson 17 - The Creation and Composition of Mankind

  THE CREATION AND COMPOSITION OF MANKIND Anthropology - Lesson 17 Psalm 8:4 – “What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?” It is important that we have a biblical anthropology, because the culture we live in is so steeped in secular evolutionary philosophy. A biblical anthropology will inform us about the hot-button issues of our day. With a correct anthropology, we can navigate the waters of topics such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, transgenderism, Communism, etc. The world is confused about these things, but God’s Word is clear. The Bible teaches us that mankind is a direct creation of God, imbued with dignity and purpose and worth by being made in the image of God. Though mankind rebelled against God in Adam, the image of God still persists in every man, woman, and child; though distorted by sin. Christ Jesus, the perfect image of God, laid down His life, so that all who believe in Him will be renewed into the image of Go...