Set Apart for the Gospel - Part 2 (Romans 1:1-7)
Click here for audio Two old men are standing on top of the wall of the city. They are squinting their failing eyes against the glare of the sun, desperately scanning the fields surrounding the city. Suddenly, they hear a cry, “There! Over there!” Sure enough, they can just make out movement: someone coming over the farthest hill, running toward the city. As the runner draws closer, one of the men says, “That looks like the gait of a good man who brings good news.” The other man responds, “No. That is the running of one who has witnessed a horrible defeat. We must prepare ourselves for the worst.” As the two bicker back and forth, the runner draws ever nearer. After awhile, they see that the runner has his hands up to his mouth to amplify his shouts. The two men ask the woman next to them what he is shouting. The woman, with relief on her face, announces, “He is saying, ‘Gospel. Gospel. Good news. Good news.” Friends, we have the privilege of making this same announcement. “Gospel. Gos...