Theology Lesson #22 - The Transmission and Kinds of Sin
As always in theology, we turn our attention to Scripture for answers to questions concerning our world. In the last lesson, we discussed the origin and nature of sin. We saw that the man and woman sinned against God, and God cursed mankind with sin and death. That explains why the earth itself works against us, why childbearing is so unbearable, why there is tension in marriage (and every relationship), and why snakes are generally disgusting. In this lesson, we turn our attention to the transmission of the sin nature from one generation to another. Why do all people sin? Why does it just seem to be engrained in everyone? The unbelieving world has put forth a number of answers. Modern psychology answers this question in a number of ways. Some say that we are just a product of our environment (e.g. Skinner). Others say that sin and guilt are a product of collective psychological trauma (e.g. Freud). Others deny that there is a such thing as sin or guilt (e.g. Rogers). Of course, thes...