Exodus 7 – The Rivalry Begins
It continues to be a wonderful task to exposit the Old Testament. I preached through the book of Exodus in the second half of 2018 verse by verse and paragraph by paragraph. We left no word unread and did not skip the exposition of any section. It is a wonderful exercise for myself to go back now, chapter by chapter, and review the wonderful truth of this book. I pray that it is as beneficial for you, the reader, as it has been for me. More resources can be found at www.fbcroxana.com God desires all the peoples of earth to fear His name and assign Him the glory that is due Him. Yet the nations continually turn away from Him. Through the Exodus of His chosen people, Israel, all the nations would hear and tremble before Him. Whether they worshipped Him and submitted to His sovereignty or rejected Him and hardened their hearts, they would still hear of Him, that by His mighty hand He had brought them out of Egypt, the most powerful nation on earth. In the same way, God would mak...