Systematic Theology: Lesson 2 - What is Systematic Theology?

Prologomena - Lesson 2


 What is Theology? 

  1. Theology is the study of the being and works of God or the gods.
  2. Christian Theology is the study of the being and works of the God who has made Himself known in the Bible.

    1. Systematic Theology: Systematic Theology is the study of the being and works of God by gathering together the biblical information on different topics and arranging them together in a logical fashion. 
  1. When we create a systematic theology, we rely on all the above categories of theology. We study the Bible exegetically and categorize our discoveries into topics/doctrines. Once we have the information in a text categorized, we are doing systematic theology.
  2. When we teach systematic theology, we study deductively.
  3. Romans 6:17 - ‘that form (τυπος) of doctrine (διδαχη).’’ There is a definite set of doctrine.
    2 Tim 1:13 - ‘the pattern (υποτυπωσις - an impressing upon) of sound words (υγιανω - healthy).

    (Interdependent and Interrelated Divisions of Study)
    1. Bibliology - The study of the Bible
    1. Revelation 
    2. Inspiration
    3. Inerrancy
    4. Sufficiency
    5. Authority
    6. Canonicity
    7. Transmission
    8. Preservation
    1. Theology Proper – The study of God
    1. God’s existence
    2. God’s perfections
    3. God’s tri-unity
    1. Christology - The study of Christ
      1. The Deity of Christ
      2. The Pre-Incarnate Appearances of Christ
      3. Christ’s Incarnation
      1. Virgin Conception and Birth
      1. Two complete Natures and their Union in One Person
      1. The Humility of Christ
      1. The Exaltation of Christ
      1. The Life, Atoning Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Enthronement at the Right Hand of the Father
      1. Christ’s Return and Reign
    1. Pneumatology - The study of the Holy Spirit
      1. The personality of the Holy Spirit
      2. The Deity of the Holy Spirit
      3. The Work of the Holy Spirit
    1. Anthropology - The study of Man
      1. Man’s Creation
      2. Man’s Unity
      3. Man’s Constitution
      4. Man’s Free Will
      5. Man as God’s Image
      6. Man’s Original State
    1. Angelology - The study of Angels and Demons
      1. The origin of angels
      2. The nature of angels
      3. The ministry of angels
      4. Satan and his demons
    1. Hamartiology - The study of Sin
      1. The origin of sin
      2. The nature of sin
      3. The sin of Adam
      4. The imputation of Adam’s sin
      5. The corruption and depravity of man
    1. Soteriology - The study of Salvation
      1. Christ’s Saving Work
        1. Atonement
        1. Propitiation
        1. Redemption
      1. God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will in Salvation
        1. Calvinistic
        1. Arminian
        1. Amyrauldian
        1. Multiple Intentions Viewpoint
      1. Faith
      2. Repentance
      3. Regeneration
      4. Justification
      5. Forgiveness
      6. Adoption
      7. Union with Christ
      8. Sanctification
      9. Reconciliation
      10. Perseverance
      11. Glorification
      12. Eternal Security
    1. Ecclesiology - The study of the Church
      1. The origin of the church
      2. The organism of the church
      3. The organization of the church
      4. The ordinances of the church
    1. Eschatology - The study of the Last Things and the Entire Structure of the Bible
      1. Dispensationalism
      2. Covenantalism
      3. The Biblical Covenants
      4. Messianic Prophecy
      5. The Second Advent of Christ
        1. The Rapture
        1. The Tribulation
        1. The Millennium
      1. Physical Death
      2. The Intermediate State
      3. The Resurrection of the Body
      4. The Judgments
      5. The Eternal State



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