Systematic Theology: Lesson 2 - What is Systematic Theology?
Prologomena - Lesson 2
What is Theology?
- Theology is the study of the being and works of
God or the gods.
- Christian Theology is the study of the being and
works of the God who has made Himself known in the Bible.
- Systematic Theology: Systematic Theology is the study of the being
and works of God by gathering together the biblical information on
different topics and arranging them together in a logical fashion.
- When we create a systematic
theology, we rely on all the above categories of theology. We study the
Bible exegetically and categorize our discoveries into topics/doctrines.
Once we have the information in a text categorized, we are doing
systematic theology.
- When we teach systematic
theology, we study deductively.
- Romans 6:17 - ‘that form
(τυπος) of doctrine (διδαχη).’’ There is a definite set of doctrine.
2 Tim 1:13 - ‘the pattern (υποτυπωσις - an impressing upon) of sound words (υγιανω - healthy).
(Interdependent and Interrelated Divisions of Study)
- Bibliology - The study of the Bible
- Revelation
- Inspiration
- Inerrancy
- Sufficiency
- Authority
- Canonicity
- Transmission
- Preservation
- Theology Proper – The study of God
- God’s existence
- God’s perfections
- God’s tri-unity
- Christology - The study of Christ
- The Deity of Christ
- The Pre-Incarnate Appearances
of Christ
- Christ’s Incarnation
- Virgin Conception and Birth
- Two complete Natures and their
Union in One Person
- The Humility of Christ
- The Exaltation of Christ
- The Life, Atoning Death,
Resurrection, Ascension, and Enthronement at the Right Hand of the
- Christ’s Return and Reign
- Pneumatology - The study of the Holy Spirit
- The personality of the Holy
- The Deity of the Holy Spirit
- The Work of the Holy Spirit
- Anthropology - The study of Man
- Man’s Creation
- Man’s Unity
- Man’s Constitution
- Man’s Free Will
- Man as God’s Image
- Man’s Original State
- Angelology - The study of Angels and Demons
- The origin of angels
- The nature of angels
- The ministry of angels
- Satan and his demons
- Hamartiology - The study of Sin
- The origin of sin
- The nature of sin
- The sin of Adam
- The imputation of Adam’s sin
- The corruption and depravity of
- Soteriology - The study of Salvation
- Christ’s Saving Work
- Atonement
- Propitiation
- Redemption
- God’s Sovereignty and Man’s
Free Will in Salvation
- Calvinistic
- Arminian
- Amyrauldian
- Multiple Intentions Viewpoint
- Faith
- Repentance
- Regeneration
- Justification
- Forgiveness
- Adoption
- Union with Christ
- Sanctification
- Reconciliation
- Perseverance
- Glorification
- Eternal Security
- Ecclesiology - The study of the Church
- The origin of the church
- The organism of the church
- The organization of the church
- The ordinances of the church
- Eschatology - The study of the Last Things and the Entire
Structure of the Bible
- Dispensationalism
- Covenantalism
- The Biblical Covenants
- Messianic Prophecy
- The Second Advent of Christ
- The Rapture
- The Tribulation
- The Millennium
- Physical Death
- The Intermediate State
- The Resurrection of the Body
- The Judgments
- The Eternal State
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