Genesis 31 - Jacob's Flight
article is part of a series of articles that resulted from my time preaching
through the book of Genesis. The commentary on the passage is my own, resulting
from hours of research and exegetical study. It is my intent to draw a biblical
theology chapter by chapter through the book of Genesis that places the events
of the narratives into the broad picture of the entire Bible, demonstrating the
progressiveness of theology and the sufficiency of every Word of Scripture. It
is my prayer that these articles are helpful to those seeking a better
understanding of the book of Genesis and of the Bible as a whole. The sermon
series and other resources can be found at
the creator of heaven and earth, chose the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
out of all the families and nations of the earth. He blessed them with His
covenant, promising them the land of Canaan as an eternal inheritance,
multitudes of descendants to live in it, and kings to rule over it. Jacob had fled
the land of Canaan to escape the wrath of his brother Esau, and he spent many
years in Paddan-Aram working for his uncle. During this time, Jacob’s family
had grown to eleven sons, and God had blessed him with great prosperity. But
the covenant family could not remain outside the Promised Land, lest the sons
spread out in Haran and never returned to Canaan. So God called them back to
the land of Promise.
Jacob heard the words of Laban’s sons, saying, “Jacob has taken away all that
was our father’s, and from what belonged to our father he has made all this
wealth.” 2 Jacob saw the attitude of Laban, and behold, it was not
friendly toward him as formerly. 3 Then the LORD said to Jacob,
“Return to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with
Thus, it was
doubly confirmed to Jacob that it was finally time to return to Canaan and
rejoin his father and brother. God spoke for the first time since Jacob left
the Promised Land and confirmed that He was with him. Now we see how all that
Jacob went through was to cause him to grow to trust God and walk according to
His will. For the first time, Jacob gives glory to God as he recounts events to
his wives:
4 So Jacob sent and called Rachel and
Leah to his flock in the field, 5 and said to them, “I see your
father’s attitude, that it is not friendly toward me as formerly, but the God
of my father has been with me. 6 You know that I have served your
father with all my strength. 7 Yet your father has cheated me and
changed my wages ten times; however, God did not allow him to hurt me. 8
If he spoke thus, ‘The speckled shall be your wages,’ then all the flock
brought forth speckled; and if he spoke thus, ‘The striped shall be your
wages,’ then all the flock brought forth striped.
As was
evident in the last chapter, Laban had changed Jacob’s wages—several times, in
fact. Through this, Jacob learned to trust God, who never changes, instead of
men, who do change. Jacob had served Laban to the best of his ability, and God
had rewarded and protected him from his devious uncle.
9 Thus God has taken away your
father’s livestock and given them to me. 10 And it came about at the
time when the flock were mating that I lifted up my eyes and saw in a dream,
and behold, the male goats which were mating were striped, speckled, and
mottled. 11 Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob,’
and I said, ‘Here I am.’ 12 He said, ‘Lift up now your eyes and see
that all the male goats which are mating are striped, speckled, and mottled;
for I have seen all that Laban has been doing to you. 13 I am the
God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar, where you made a vow to Me; now
arise, leave this land, and return to the land of your birth.’”
God had sent
His angel to assure Jacob that He had seen Jacob’s affliction. During all the
years that he was in Paddan-Aram, Jacob must have wondered if God indeed was
with him to care for him. Now he understood that even when He is silent, God is
there. So God called Jacob back to the Promised Land.
14 Rachel and Leah said to him, “Do we
still have any portion or inheritance in our father’s house? 15 Are
we not reckoned by him as foreigners? For he has sold us, and has also entirely
consumed our purchase price. 16 Surely all the wealth which God has
taken away from our father belongs to us and our children; now then, do
whatever God has said to you.”
daughters had been sold to Jacob for fourteen years of labor. Yet they never
saw any of the fruits of that labor, for Laban had spent it entirely. So they
were ready to leave with Jacob.
17 Then Jacob arose and put his
children and his wives upon camels; 18 and he drove away all his
livestock and all his property which he had gathered, his acquired livestock
which he had gathered in Paddan-aram, to go to the land of Canaan to his father
Isaac. 19 When Laban had gone to shear his flock, then Rachel stole
the household idols that were her father’s. 20 And Jacob deceived
Laban the Aramean by not telling him that he was fleeing. 21 So he
fled with all that he had; and he arose and crossed the Euphrates River, and
set his face toward the hill country of Gilead.
Though Jacob
was learning to trust God, he still acted deceitfully toward Laban. Also,
Rachel, though she had begun to see that the LORD had answered her prayers for
children, stole the household gods out of Laban’s house. Even at this point,
the covenant family had much to learn about God and how they were to live
before Him. Jacob and his household set out and headed west as quickly as they
could, but they had flocks and children who slowed the pace. So even with their
large lead, they must have constantly been looking over their shoulders.
22 When it was told Laban on the third
day that Jacob had fled, 23 then he took his kinsmen with him and
pursued him a distance of seven days’ journey, and he overtook him in the hill
country of Gilead. 24 God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream of
the night and said to him, “Be careful that you do not speak to Jacob either
good or bad.”
Just as God
had appeared to Abimelech to warn him about harming Abraham, so God appeared to
Laban. On the tenth day,
25 Laban caught up with Jacob. Now
Jacob had pitched his tent in the hill country, and Laban with his kinsmen
camped in the hill country of Gilead. 26 Then Laban said to Jacob,
“What have you done by deceiving me and carrying away my daughters like
captives of the sword? 27 Why did you flee secretly and deceive me,
and did not tell me so that I might have sent you away with joy and with songs,
with timbrel and with lyre; 28 and did not allow me to kiss my sons
and my daughters? Now you have done foolishly. 29 It is in my power
to do you harm, but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, ‘Be
careful not to speak either good or bad to Jacob.’ 30 Now you have
indeed gone away because you longed greatly for your father’s house; but why
did you steal my gods?”
lamented that he had lost the chance to send away his family with a great
celebration. He implied that he would have harmed Jacob, but God had told him
not to hurt Jacob. Ironically, he had to inquire of Jacob about his own gods,
for they could not even protect themselves from capture.
31 Then Jacob replied to Laban,
“Because I was afraid, for I thought that you would take your daughters from me
by force. 32 The one with whom you find your gods shall not live; in
the presence of our kinsmen point out what is yours among my belongings and
take it for yourself.” For Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.
33 So Laban went into Jacob’s tent and
into Leah’s tent and into the tent of the two maids, but he did not find them.
Then he went out of Leah’s tent and entered Rachel’s tent. 34 Now
Rachel had taken the household idols and put them in the camel’s saddle, and
she sat on them. And Laban felt through all the tent but did not find them. 35
She said to her father, “Let not my lord be angry that I cannot rise before
you, for the manner of women is upon me.” So he searched but did not find the
household idols.
After the
dramatic search, Jacob used the opportunity to turn the tables on Laban, finally
speaking up for himself.
36 Then Jacob became angry and
contended with Laban; and Jacob said to Laban, “What is my transgression? What
is my sin that you have hotly pursued me? 37 Though you have felt
through all my goods, what have you found of all your household goods? Set it
here before my kinsmen and your kinsmen, that they may decide between us two. 38
These twenty years I have been with you; your ewes and your female goats have
not miscarried, nor have I eaten the rams of your flocks. 39 That
which was torn of beasts I did not bring to you; I bore the loss of it myself.
You required it of my hand whether stolen by day or stolen by night. 40
Thus I was: by day the heat consumed me and the frost by night, and my sleep
fled from my eyes. 41 These twenty years I have been in your house;
I served you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your
flock, and you changed my wages ten times. 42 If the God of my
father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac, had not been for me, surely
now you would have sent me away empty-handed. God has seen my affliction and
the toil of my hands, so He rendered judgment last night.”
point is that he had been faithful in his service toward Laban, neither taking what
was not his nor asking for reimbursement over any loss. If Jacob was indeed
blameless, then Laban needed to explain himself. Jacob probably thought that
Laban was making up the theft of his gods in order to have a reason to pursue
him and called him out for such behavior when his search failed to produce
evidence of the accusations.
43 Then Laban replied to Jacob, “The
daughters are my daughters, and the children are my children, and the flocks
are my flocks, and all that you see is mine. But what can I do this day to
these my daughters or to their children whom they have borne? 44 So
now come, let us make a covenant, you and I, and let it be a witness between
you and me.”
shrugged off Jacob’s demand. He claimed ownership of everything that Jacob
owned, including his wives, children, and flocks. Even though Jacob had paid
for all of these through hard labor, Laban still considered them his own.
45 Then Jacob took a stone and set it
up as a pillar. 46 Jacob said to his kinsmen, “Gather stones.” So
they took stones and made a heap, and they ate there by the heap. 47
Now Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha, but Jacob called it Galeed. 48
Laban said, “This heap is a witness between you and me this day.” Therefore it
was named Galeed, 49 and Mizpah, for he said, “May the LORD watch
between you and me when we are absent one from the other. 50 If you
mistreat my daughters, or if you take wives besides my daughters, although no
man is with us, see, God is witness between you and me.” 51 Laban
said to Jacob, “Behold this heap and behold the pillar which I have set between
you and me. 52 This heap is a witness, and the pillar is a witness,
that I will not pass by this heap to you for harm, and you will not pass by
this heap and this pillar to me, for harm. 53 The God of Abraham and
the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge between us.”
The pile of
rocks served as a witness between Jacob and Laban, and was therefore called
‘witness pile’ in two languages. Neither would pass those rocks with harmful
intent toward the other. Most likely, the last verse should be translated as
‘The God of Abraham and the gods of Nahor, the gods of their father.’ Either
way, Jacob swore by Yahweh and Him alone:
Jacob swore by the fear of his father Isaac. 54 Then Jacob offered a
sacrifice on the mountain, and called his kinsmen to the meal; and they ate the
meal and spent the night on the mountain. 55 Early in the morning
Laban arose, and kissed his sons and his daughters and blessed them. Then Laban
departed and returned to his place.
Thus God protected
Jacob from Laban when Laban would have done harm to him.
God always
protects His own in order to bring about all that He promised. His purposes are
never thwarted. His Word is never nullified. His promises never change. His
people can trust in Him forever, knowing that everything He says is true.
When the
time was right, God sent His Son, born of a virgin from the people of Israel,
to propitiate the sins of all the nations. Whoever calls on the Lord Jesus
Christ will be forgiven sin, because Jesus took the punishment of all the sins
of those who call on Him. Those who believe will never face the condemnation,
but will have eternal life in the Kingdom of God which He promised to Abraham.
Jesus, His Son, will reign forever in peace and righteousness over that kingdom.
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